Modern Dialectical Philosophy.
- 04.07.09 г.
(In Russian / Русскоязычный тест: «Современная диалектическая философия»)

Modern dialectical philosophy is caused by the modern phase of the actualization of Dialectics in the world, with this philosophy being the definitive stage of dialectical philosophy and also signifying the completion of Philosophy* in the human world.

In the sense of epistemology, the modern dialectical philosophy determines the author’s doctrine which has the same name (hereinafter referred to as the MDP).

In the sense of principles, MDP is caused by the finalization of the Idea (it is the interminable process, but not the end of the Idea). The finalization of the Idea is the modern dialectical basis used together with the preceding ones (the Idea according to Plato and the Absolute Idea according to Hegel).

MDP is the definitive doctrine of the dialectical philosophy.


MDP is the part of the dialectical philosophy.

MDP is based not on the phenomenology of the Spirit (according to K.Marx, Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is the source and secret of Hegel’s philosophy), but on the phenomenology of the Idea (according to Hegel, the Spirit is always the Idea, but the opposite is incorrect).

MDP is not spontaneous and synthesized like sciences, but develops, reveals itself as a result of development of dialectical cognition (more precisely, due to Dialectics which is the supreme rasoom** movement).

MDP directly possesses internal movement (according to Hegel, its domain moves itself forward) and, thus, its dialectical cognition moves forward from contents to contents; In self-dependent movement and development of dialectical cognition, in its grandiosity and meaningfulness there is nothing mystical.

MDP is the union of Knowledge And*** Methodology.

MDP is the reality of 'A – (non-A)'.

MDP is the dialectical core of the contemporary stage of the development of philosophy in the being.


MDP is the unity of the following brances of the dialectical philosophy:
– the phenomenology of the Spirit (it isn't only Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit),
– the phenomenologies of the Idea,
– the complete science of Logic,
– the philosophy of Knowledge.

Dialectical cognition uses dialectical methods, technologies, principles, rules, forms of cognition, and so on directly and in combination with the measures of dialectical cognition supports. And MDP has a wide, systematically structured methodological basis having no analogues in the sciences.

MDP includes the transcendental experiment.

Methods, sciences, theories, concepts and disciplines are structured iMDP.
    The complex of methods and technologies and their broad application are the cardinal difference between MDP and the previous stages of development of cognition in the being.

MDP determines the complex of the philosophy sciences (the real sciences of Hegel’s philosophy, and the modern dialectical sciences of MDP).
    MDP has own modern dialectical and applied researches.

MDP is the unity of theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy; at last, theoretical philosophy is a reality.

And Hegel’s System and Method are understood now, and transition from the phenomenology of the Spirit to the сomplete science of Logic is discovered, and the dialectical system of knowledge is accessible now, and it can be used… And any problems – why not to resolve them?

So, now, after the actualization of MDP, one should say that everything (or everything needed) is cognizable.

* Unless otherwise separately set forth herein, hereinabove and hereinafter, the term 'philosophy' is the flow of commonality and pure knowledge.
    Philosophy for the being is the dialectics of Comprehension.
** Rasoom and reason are different qualitatively.
*** 'And' is the ‘Dialectical And' of Hegel’s philosophy, about which only V.I. Lenin wrote.